I’m Dr Rona Thau. It’s been a long journey from my home town in NJ to the northern California wine country. I’ve encountered unforeseen twists turns and crashes along the way both figuratively and literally. Nothing like a car colliding with you in a crosswalk to lift you to the challenge of completely re-examining your life!
Since I was young I’ve always envisioned myself as an entertainer. I amuse people. Heck I amuse myself! I love to make people laugh, to shift them off center and stumble on sheer joy in a moment. It’s a magical feeling to lift someones heart and soul. It touches me deeply within to click, spark, ignite, with love and laughter + resonate together.
That FEELING TRANSCENDS ALL time and space.
That ENERGY is ginormous and MAGNIFICENT!
And we both FEEL it but it can’t be seen by the outer eye.
While coming to terms with LIFE, prior to and after my accident, demons haunted me. Learning to listen and take guidance from my inner voice + life long visions I’ve had, met with immense walls of intense resistance. My life reeled off tilt, off axis. I was spinning.
I didn’t EVER fit in the framework that i was told that (the infamous) “everyone” “should” “always” fit in.
Feeling and hearing a wiser voice speak up softly from within; I began to realize I was “out of bounds” when playing in any other realm than my own.
Sadly, I didn’t know any better at the time, so I shrunk and I hid. My inner turmoil screeched louder and louder, deafening my instincts.
My attempt to escape from my true SELF nearly destroyed me.
It robbed me of lots of time never to be reclaimed.
It left me living with DIS-ease in my LIFE.
It weighted my heart.
It kept me in a downward depressed spiral of despair.
Deep within I knew I had to find the way to something TRUE.
The only choice was to gently accept and WALK the path to that gnawing Inner Wisdom and Truth.
Getting through it wasn’t pretty.
It wasn’t easy. It doesn’t END.
But that journey got me here, more aware, and conscious; present in the NOW moments more often than not.
I’ve embraced my inborn gifts, heightened sensitivities and instinctive, intuitive talents.
I believe in magical possibilities.
I see and explore beyond edges of plain sight, like a detective,
in languages we’ve not been taught.
I can tune in and “hear” that which has not or can not be said
“It” is there; “It” is palpable.
“It” is a sensory skill set. I was born with “It”.
I began to learn how to relax more and ease into use and access “It”.
You have your own “It”. It’s different than mine but none less important and wants to be expressed and experienced in this life.
Allow me to help you access your “It”
your feel good Self,
your vibrant health,
to let your brilliance shine through
Why try to become anyone else other than YOU?
In fact, (even if you try)
you can’t.
Do YOUR life like YOU, in the comfort of shoes that fit your feet.
Walk YOUR life path with more EASE.
Any other way
wastes time, zaps energy, and will make you sick and get painful bruises, blisters and bunions. OUCH. No fun.
You may already feel this way, like I did. Really sick, and really big bad ass (in a bad way)
painful life bunions + bruises.
I get it. I totally know how horrid that feels.
Resist the urge to run from yourself IN SOMEONE ELSES SHOES.
Allow me help you BE and relax more into the real You,
with every part of your body, mind and soul.
In a well worn, sturdy nutshell, that’s a peek in to my view.
I want to share EVERYTHING with you.
There’s a lot.
I want you to be free to fully express Your LIFE FORCE
and glow like a lightening bug that ate the energizer bunny and will NEVER run out of light!
Please reach out and contact me so I can help you explore more.
You are not alone.
Life’s Eternal axis revolves around LOVE.
Let me help you find balance on your life journey and revolving axis.
I help people just like you, to access and live their brightest, happiest healthiest lives freely wide open to enjoy life in ALL ways.
Together we can find YOUR PERSONAL NEEDS, so you can FUNCTION FULLY to express and experience your inborn gifts, your talents,
your wealth of wellness, your health, your peace, your joy.
You are a wave in the ocean of Eternal, Radiant, Fluid LOVE.
That’s who You ARE. Vibrant. Alive. Joyous. Fluid. Healthy. Free.
I can help you tune in and TURN ON Your unique expressive flow in fraction of the time it took me. You can forgo all the tests, licenses, traumas + torment too!
Your life holds unique gifts and treasures.
Would you like to nurture them so your true, authentic, amazing soulful spitfire self can rise and fly to soar thru your entire life capable of your full expanse?
Now THAT to me is super COOL.
I can help you do just that.
Once you begin leaning beyond the ‘edges’ (that don’t really exist), I don’t think you’ll ever want to turn back.
Join me.
Work with me directly from anywhere!
YAY Technology!
Get in touch with me now.
CLICK the link below that says: book an appointment-
CALL ME, my number’s there, BOOK, or reach out via email !
I’d love to help You.Talk soon.
Dr. Rona.